Friday, December 14, 2007

Homeschool vs Public School

I hope the funny one above dosen't offend anyone being on the same page as the others, I am not trying to make light of a serious issue, I just came across it and I thought it kinda got my point across.

Sorry to bring these things up, but I live in an area where I could see things like this happening in the future. Just hearing the somewhat older kids at the parks around scares me.

I have just recently started homeschooling my 7 yr old daughter. It is something I have thought about doing since she was 2 or 3 and I noticed some of her talents. But because I doubted myself I never did it.

We recently moved into a much worse area and that pushed me into following my original ideas. I feel that public school dosent let kids unleash their true dreams and best talents.
To anyone who has ever asked their kids "what do you want to be when you grow up"? I strongly encourage to atleast examine the idea.
i am able to not only let her work at her own pace, which she can usually do a whole days worth of work in a few hours, but she can pick the subjects that she wants to learn more about. She can follow her dreams, she can be on a first grade level in math but a fifth grade level in reading, if she loved to read. If she loves science we can explore every or any subject that she wants. If she has a dream or dreams of what she wants to be when she grows up, we can start now.
And as for everyone saying she needs the experience. She is in girls scouts and will be in other activities here really soon.
what kind of experience is public school anymore?? Elementary kids are learning to cuss, bring weapons to school, and disrespect their parents and elders.
Her being at home gives me the chance to better instill the manners and morals that will make her a great woman. If she wants to be the president, i will stand behind her, and give her the best resources I can to accomplish her goals. We can also learn about religion together. Which is something they don't allow or teach in school. now I am not all big on going to church, or being christian, or living by the bible, but I am open to learn about all religions and all lifestyles. and i want to teach my children to be the same way.
I can also plan tons of field trips for more hand on learning and she can get one on one help with things she may tend to struggle with. there are lots of benefits. yes it may take more of my time, energy and maybe a little money( there are lots of free resources especially on the internet), but it is all worth it. This is the way I feel about the subject, I would like to know how others feel.

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